healthy return




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1·On top of that, constant harvesting of the grain encourages the plants to grow larger and more abundantly, so maize quickly became plentiful - farmers got a healthy return for investing their labour.
最重要的是,这种植物越是频繁收割,或是可以结出更丰硕更充足的果实。 因此玉米迅速成为广受欢迎的农作物,家书辛苦付出的汗水总能有丰富的回报。
2·Recommend - to provide mechanisms that recommend and build actions needed to return the system back to a healthy state.
3·If the call to the interface returns a good return code, assume that the application is healthy.
4·The movement championed a return to healthy, nutritious home-grown, home-cooked food.
5·A root cause of the slowdown is housing, and so we continue to take actions that will avoid preventable foreclosures and speed a return to a healthy housing market.
6·Those who find meaning in a traumatic experience and are able to reestablish a sense of security about the world are usually the ones who return to a healthy pathway.
7·In theory, the PPP was meant to harness the efficiency of the private sector and, in return for healthy profits, transfer risks to the firms doing the work.
从理论上说,公私合作关系(private - public partnership, PPP)是为了充分利用私营部门的效率和健康的利润回报,并且将风险转移到实际工作的企业中去。
8·The whole point of a universal health insurance system is that everyone pays in, even if they're currently healthy, and in return everyone has insurance coverage if and when they need it.
9·A recovery in jobs is seen by economists as crucial to any kind of return to a healthy economy.
10·Aim to return to eating healthy food, drinking healthy drinks, and ensuring that you keep getting a good amount of exercise.
更新时间:2025-02-22 18:43